In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.
This is a video on inserting elements into a binary search tree.
Download PDFA linked list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, each pointing to the next node by means of a pointer. It is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.
Github: linkedlist.c
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What is the worst-case time complexity to search an element in a binary search tree ?
Download PDF/* This is a Binary Search Tree Program Written in the C Programming Language */ # include < stdio.h > # include < stdlib.h > typedef struct BST { int data; struct BST *lchild,*rchild; }node; void insert(node *,node *); void inorder(node *); void preorder(node *); void postorder(node *); node *search(node *,int,node **); void main() { int choice; char ans='N'; int key; node *new_node,*root,*tmp,*parent; node *get_node(); root=NULL; printf("\nProgram For Binary Search Tree "); do { printf("\n1.Create"); printf("\n2.Search"); printf("\n3.Recursive Traversals"); printf("\n4.Exit"); printf("\nEnter your choice :"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: do { new_node=get_node(); printf("\nEnter The Element "); scanf("%d",&new_node->data); if(root==NULL) /* Tree is not Created */ root=new_node; else insert(root,new_node); printf("\nWant To enter More Elements?(y/n)"); ans=getch(); }while(ans=='y'); break; case 2: printf("\nEnter Element to be searched :"); scanf("%d",&key); tmp = search(root,key,&parent); if(tmp == NULL) printf("The Tree Is Empty \n"); else printf("\nParent of node %d is %d", tmp->data,parent->data); break; case 3: if(root==NULL) printf("Tree Is Not Created \n"); else { printf("\nThe Inorder display : "); inorder(root); printf("\nThe Preorder display : "); preorder(root); printf("\nThe Postorder display : "); postorder(root); } break; } }while(choice!=4); } /* Get new Node */ node *get_node() { node *temp; temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->lchild=NULL; temp->rchild=NULL; return temp; } /* This function is for creating a binary search tree */ void insert(node *root,node *new_node) { if(new_node->data < root->data) { if(root->lchild==NULL) root->lchild = new_node; else insert(root->lchild,new_node); } if(new_node->data > root->data) { if(root->rchild==NULL) root->rchild=new_node; else insert(root->rchild,new_node); } } /* This function is for searching the node from binary Search Tree */ node *search(node *root,int key,node **parent) { node *temp; temp=root; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->data==key) { printf("\n The %d Element is Present",temp->data); return temp; } *parent=temp; if(temp->data>key) temp=temp->lchild; else temp=temp->rchild; } return NULL; } /* This function displays the tree in inorder fashion */ void inorder(node *temp) { if(temp!=NULL) { inorder(temp->lchild); printf("%d ",temp->data); inorder(temp->rchild); } } /* This function displays the tree in preorder fashion */ void preorder(node *temp) { if(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d ",temp->data); preorder(temp->lchild); preorder(temp->rchild); } } /* This function displays the tree in postorder fashion */ void postorder(node *temp) { if(temp!=NULL) { postorder(temp->lchild); postorder(temp->rchild); printf("%d ",temp->data); } }